Winter Recipes - Fire Cider Vinegar & Thieve's Vinegar
Hi there and winter blessings, I hope this blog post finds you well - nice and warm, perhaps rugged up in a blanket or sipping on a hot...

The Magic of France
Making friends with Hawthorn in France Hello my lovelies, what a mixed start we've had to Winter...freezing rain, wind, warm sun, and...

Darling Dandelion
When I say dandelion – what springs to your mind? Wretched weed? Happy childhood memories of playing ‘what time is it’ with the puffy...

6 ways to have your 'staycation'
Here are some of my favourite ways to create your own 'staycation' (aka bubble of serenity from the comfort of your own home). Easy,

Tulsi Jellies
This recipe for tulsi jellies is a crowd pleaser. They're full of ingredients to nourish your nervous system, gut and more. PLUS they

Tofu Sauce - A Family Favourite
This, my friends, is a recipe that I hold very close to my heart. It's stood me well - with laughter and love during the early days with...

Want to meet my very good friend Yarrow?
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is so reliable, she’s always there when I need her, she’s supportive, not demanding and she’s so very...

How to write affirmations to get more ………… in your life More? More what?
More? More what? Well, whatever it is that you want more of. It is good to set goals for ourselves, to have something to move forward to...