Winter Recipes - Fire Cider Vinegar & Thieve's Vinegar
Hi there and winter blessings, I hope this blog post finds you well - nice and warm, perhaps rugged up in a blanket or sipping on a hot...

Uhoh! Did You Say There's an Elephant in the Room?
Before I get started, there seems to be an elephant in the room (you know, the one that's all out of toilet paper and hand sanitiser)....

Tissue Salts - what the heck are they and why do I love them so much?
Almost forty years ago tissue salts (also known as biochemic cell salts) were my introduction to the world of natural health and they...

How to write affirmations to get more ………… in your life More? More what?
More? More what? Well, whatever it is that you want more of. It is good to set goals for ourselves, to have something to move forward to...

Antioxidants VS Free Radicals - the Good VS the Bad
‘Antioxidants’ and ‘free radicals’ – they’re terms that are thrown around in the media a lot these days, but what do they actually mean?...

The Detox Dilemma - part 2
How to minimise your exposure to toxins: 1. First up – do as much as you can from the suggestions here and don’t worry about the things...

The Detox Dilemma - part one
Detox is such a popular and mis-used word in our society these days. I’ve never been keen on “detoxing” –as presented in the popular...