Winter Recipes - Fire Cider Vinegar & Thieve's Vinegar
Hi there and winter blessings, I hope this blog post finds you well - nice and warm, perhaps rugged up in a blanket or sipping on a hot...

Special Issue: Your Respiratory Health Taken Care Of
Hello my lovelies, What a start we had to this year, it's been so intense here in Australia, especially on the east coast. I won't...

Go gently, be kind to yourself, be kind to your body
Go gently, Be kind to yourself, Be kind to your body. I was recently reading through some old newsletters to see what I'd written about...

Where there's pain, there's hope
Pain is something we've all experienced in our lives. It comes in various shapes and sizes, lasts for varying lengths of time at varying

Your Tissue Salt Tool Kit for Daily Life
I love tissue salts. They're what turned my life and health around 40 years ago and I’ve used them in my daily life ever since. I can’t...

The Magic of France
Making friends with Hawthorn in France Hello my lovelies, what a mixed start we've had to Winter...freezing rain, wind, warm sun, and...

Darling Dandelion
When I say dandelion – what springs to your mind? Wretched weed? Happy childhood memories of playing ‘what time is it’ with the puffy...

Calm your mind with a simple technique
We often think of meditation as formal exercise where we have to sit in a special place, at a special time, for a long time and be able...

6 ways to have your 'staycation'
Here are some of my favourite ways to create your own 'staycation' (aka bubble of serenity from the comfort of your own home). Easy,

Tulsi Jellies
This recipe for tulsi jellies is a crowd pleaser. They're full of ingredients to nourish your nervous system, gut and more. PLUS they