Most consultations are currently online. Face to face can be arranged, please ask..
I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I live, the Wangal people of the Eora Nation, and all traditional owners of Country throughout Australia. I acknowledge their connection to land, waters and community and pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
The Heart & Art of
Traditional Herbal Medicine:
Bringing People & Plants Together
In this 6 week online masterclass for practitioners and herbal medicine students,
I share information about over 50 herbs and their 'person pictures',
relevant iris signs, associated sun signs and the art of drop dosing.
My teaching is based on the philosophies of Dorothy Hall and the experience
I've gained in over 20 years of clinical practice.
This knowledge will deepen your understanding about herbs and people,
marrying the two together with valuable insights which you can apply in clinical practice.
This course is for you if:
you want to move beyond a 'this herb for that' way of practising
you want to deepen your understanding of herbal prescribing
you wished you'd studied with Dorothy Hall
you want to learn about drop dosing so you can minimise your impact on the environment
and prescribe for your sensitive patients
I've now run this masterclass eleven times and have had all sorts of wonderful feedback - people
find the knowledge easy to put in to practice, they've been amazed at how effective it is,
the information has given them a whole different way of looking at herbs and their clients
are really happy with their results. I'm so excited to be running the ninth round of it!
CPE points
9 CPE points for ATMS members; for other organisations - 9 hours
6 x 90 minute weekly online live webinars
(all sessions recorded with replays available)
Mondays 7.00 - 8.30pm AEST (Sydney time)
week 1: 8th July 2024
week 2: 15th July 2024
week 3: 22nd July 2024
skip a week
week 4: 5th August 2024
week 5: 12th August 2024
week 6: 19th August 2024
Payment details
$425.00 early bird - save $100 (enrol and pay by midnight Monday 24th June 2024)
and concession (ask for details)
$525.00 full price
Estuary Learning members' price $395.00
CPE certificates will be available if needed (ATMS approved for 3 CPE points)
To register your interest, email me for an application.
Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer
Bank details - Account name: Sally Kingsford-Smith
BSB: 062145
Account numbe: 1034 2602
Reference: your name
An Introduction to Tissue Salts
For 45 plus years now I've used Tissue Salts (aka Cell Salts) for my own health, for my family's health
and in clinic for my clients' health. I've possibly prescribed them for you when we've worked together
and now I'd love to show you how to use them too
I've seen numerous clients, family members and friends experience their magic – helping aches
and pains, anxiety, poor sleep, digestive issues, fluid retention, children’s health and lots more. They can
be used with babies, children, women who are pregnant or lactating, the elderly and alongside
various prescription medcations.
The content of this two-part webinar series is user-friendly for both home use and for practitioners.
I want you to feel empowered to take care of simple health issues yourself with these simple and easy
to take remedies and I want natural health care practitioners to feel confident to use this knowledge in clinic.
We’ll start with introducing you to the general principles of tissue salt use and then go into an
exploration of each one, covering areas such as:
The parts of the body or body functions they mostly work on
Conditions they may be used for
Physical signs and symptoms
Person pictures where applicable
Case studies from my own practice
WHEN: Saturday, 3rd & 10th August 2024, from 3.00pm to 4.30pm AEST
All sessions recorded for later viewing
WHERE: Online via Zoom
COST: $175 or $150 concession (full time students, pensioners, health care card holders)
CPE certificates will be available if needed (ATMS approved for 3 CPE points)
To register your interest, email me for an application.
Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer
Bank details - Account name: Sally Kingsford-Smith
BSB: 062145
Account numbe: 1034 2602
Reference: your name

Sally's intro to Tissue Salts has answered all my burning questions for me and more, from other keen students in the online zoom class (which I love to have - from the comfort of my home, which is now a very long commute).
Sally is such a wonderful healer, I love her way of teaching, it's gentle and forward thinking, I love that I felt everything was covered thoroughly, not just during our zoom class, but before and afterward information as well.
Since this Tissue salt class, I cannot get enough, I cannot stop thinking of tissue salts, and look forward to building upon this knowledge further. I am about to stock my dispensary full of tissue salts. I have seen the benefits of these wonderful homeopathic healers, personally, in friends and reading other practitioners clinical notes and I am just in awe.
I am so grateful for Sally for providing such a wonderful and informative, fun class. And in saying that, it attracted such wonderful students alike. I am so grateful that Sally has provided this platform for us to develop our knowledge further."
Joelle Phegan - Naturopath October 2020
"I have used the course information to help with first aid at home. I often go back to my notes to see what would be relevant. I also see such a difference when my family is and isn't using tissue salts in our everyday life. I whole heartedly see the benefits and would be lost without them."
Kellie D (mum of three, teacher) July 2023