Your Tissue Salt Tool Kit for Daily Life
I love tissue salts. They're what turned my life and health around 40 years ago and I’ve used them in my daily life ever since. I can’t say enough good things about them. They’re simple to use, well priced and safe (including in pregnancy, breastfeeding, the elderly and in conjunction with medications). They've saved the day for my patients, my family and for me on many occasions.
In fact, I've recently run 2 workshops teaching practitioners about tissue salts and have received a wonderful response. So much so that I've decided to also run workshops for individuals and families. Whether you're a practitioner or would like to just know more, I’d love to help you learn how and when to use them so that you’ll have a little ‘tool kit’ of tissue salts in your home that you can go to whenever you need. From chocolate cravings to headaches, stomach aches to fevers, trouble sleeping to trouble teething – there’ll be a tissue salt that can help. I'll be sharing more information about future workshops very soon, so keep your an eye out for future announcements! In the mean time, I'd love to share a little insight into these wonderful tissue salts. So, what are they? Very simply, they're small easily dissolvable tablets that supply our bodies with essential minerals that our cells need to function properly. Schuessler, a German doctor, developed them in the 1800s after finding a correlation between changes in mineral metabolism and illness. There are 12 in total, and they provide a simple system that you can’t go past.

A snapshot of some from one of my recent tissue salts workshops - featuring my favourite books on tissue salts, some tissue salts themselves and a delicious herbal tea that I made from the herbs in my garden. No 1 Calcium Fluoratum (calc fluor) Elasticity and tissue strengthening (imagine a rubber band - stretching and contracting - our tissues need to be able to do that). No 2 Calcium Phosphoricum (calc phos) Cell builder and general tonic. Any time there's extra growth happening - kids, pregnancy, breastfeeding. As well as for the elderly and convalescence. No 3 Ferrum Phosphoricum (ferr phos) The first aid tissue salt and oxygen carrier. Think of infection, inflammation, heat, redness, fever, swelling and throbbing. No 4 Kalium Muriaticum (kali mur) Glandular tonic and for the second stage of infection. Think congestion and mucous membranes; white mucous and swollen glands. No 5 Kalium Phosphoricum (kali phos) Nerve tonic - calms the nerves and mind. Wonderful in any situation where you're using extra brain power, like studying and long days at work. This is one of my favourites that I use and prescribe a lot! No 6 Kalium Sulfuricum (kali sulph) Skin tonic, chronic inflammation and the third stage of infection. Think green, yellowy-green, and slimy secretions or conditions with scaling skin. No 7 Magnesium Phosporicum (mag phos) Nerve and muscle relaxant. A miracle worker! Another favourite of mine and the one I most use and prescribe. Great for cramps, spasms, pain, trouble sleeping and loads more. No 8 Natrium Muriaticum (nat mur) Aids fluid balance and fluid distribution. For conditions where there's too much fluid and/or not enough fluid. No 9 Natrium Phosphoricum (nat phos) Acid neutraliser and helps maintain a healthy acid-base balance. Helps with all sorts of acidity in the body. No 10 Natrium Sulfuricum (nat sulph) Fluid eliminator and liver cleanser. Also helps with certain digestive upsets, and conditions that are worsened by dampness and humidity and oedema. No 11 Silicea (silica) The cleanser and conditioner. For healthy hair, skin and nails. Rejuvinates and builds resilience. No 12 Calcium Sulfuricum (calc sulph) Blood cleanser and rarely used.