I'm Here With You - Coronavirus and Housekeeping

We're all very aware of Coronavirus. How could we not be these days? With everything that's happening, there's a heightened sense of panic and fear in the air. But just as panic and fear are contagious, so are calm and hope. I wanted to touch base with you to let you know what I'm doing in regards to my clinic space and Coronavirus - I'm not doing this to be alarmist. I'm simply doing it because I'm being responsible and doing what I can to help decrease the spread of the virus. Your health is always the most important thing to me - not just physically but mentally, emotionally and energetically too - and my clinic remains a safe space for you. The procedures below are in place to reflect this, and to do my bit to help decrease the spread of the virus. Of course, these clinic procedures may change as information and advice regarding Coronavirus is changing daily.
Current Clinic Procedures
I'll be asking anyone who enters the clinic to thoroughly wash their hands upon arrival. Hand sanitiser will also be available on my desk to use in addition if desired.
I'll be using disinfectant regularly on any surfaces that are touched by myself, clients or anyone else in the clinic - this will include disinfecting my desk, chairs and door handles between clients.
At this stage, I am continuing to offer reiki treatments. Thorough disinfecting procedures will also apply to all equipment used for these treatments.
I request that any clients who are experiencing symptoms of Coronavirus (including fever and/or respiratory symptoms including a cough), who've recently returned from overseas, or who've been in known contact with a known infected person or someone who has recently returned from high risk areas (China, Iran, Italy) within the past 14 days contact me as soon as possible so that we can reschedule their appointment - either to an online or phone consultation, or to a face-to-face consultation after a 14 day period has passed. Keep reading below to find out about online or phone consultations.
Last but definitely not least, I ask all of you to join me in maintaining and calm and hopeful outlook during this time. I strongly believe that perspective is everything. Let's be mindful not to join in with the fear and worry that's around. Instead, let's do our all to help spread hope!
Online and Phone Appointments Available
If you're unable to come in for your appointment for any reason or simply would rather stay home, I am offering online and phone consultations to all clients. This applies to existing and new bookings. In this situation, payment is made by direct debit; I still make up your herbs at the end of the consultation and you can arrange to pick them up at a suitable time. If you'd like to switch your current appointment to an online or phone appointment, or if you'd like to make a new booking for an appointment, please get in contact with me on 0418 674 851 or sally@sallykingsfordsmith.com.au.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 0418 674 851 or sally@sallykingsfordsmith.com.au. I said it before and I'll say it again, your health is the most important thing to me - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - and I'm here to help. With love and light and a big virtual hug, Sally xo