Wise Words from Across the Globe

Hi there dear one, I hope you've been going well the past few weeks. With all that's going on, I feel more compelled than ever to send my well wishes and to let you know you're in my thoughts and that I'm here for you. I feel most people are settling into some kind of routine now, as if we're finding our 'new normal'. However, as I adjust to our new normal, I haven't been sure what to write to you about this month: the notion of taking things one day at a a time; giving you some tips on how to support your nervous system; or about using this as a time to reflect and think about what's really important to us. I definitely find each day is bringing me something new to contemplate, new feelings (or old ones) to process, and a deeper sense of gratitude and awareness of the miracle of life. This morning I was musing about how I just can't seem to find quite the right words for you at the moment, and then I came across this beautiful poem written by a mother in England. It stopped me in my tracks, I could so clearly see and feel the pictures her words created, and it left me with such a beautiful feeling. So, instead of continuing to search for my own words this month, I want so share the poem with you. I do hope you enjoy it. And please do read on below for a few exciting announcements.
The Rainbow Children - Gemma Peacock
The history books will talk of now, That time the world stood still. When every family stayed at home, Waved out from windowsills-
At those they loved but could not hold, Because they loved them so. Yet, whilst they did they noticed all the flowers start to grow.
The sun came out, they can recall, And windows, rainbows filled. They kicked a football in their yards, Until the night drew in.
They walked each day but not too close, That time the world stood still. When people walked straight down the roads, That once the cars did fill.
They saw that people became ill, They knew the world was scared. But whilst the world stood still they saw, How much the whole world cared. They clapped on Thursdays from their doors, They cheered for the brave. For people who would risk their lives, So others could be saved.
The schools closed down, they missed their friends, They missed their teachers so. Their Mam’s and Dad’s helped with their work, They helped their minds to grow.
The parents used to worry that, As schools were put on hold, Their children wouldn’t have the tools, They’d need as they grew old.