Woohoo!! It's Time to Celebrate!!
It's time to welcome Spring and for me to celebrate 5 years of having my clinic at home. I can't quite believe it. Some days it seems like I've always been seeing you in this lovely space, and some days it seems like yesterday that I said goodbye to the builder and had my Open Day party.
I love, love, love working from home (well it doesn't often feel like work because I'm doing what I love) and I'm so very grateful to you for helping me make this space so special.
Of course, like so many other celebrations this year, I've had to rethink how I'd like to celebrate and say thank you, so instead of a party, I have a special gift for you.
Everyone who has an appointment in September will go into a draw to win a $50 voucher to use towards their next consultation, whether that's for a herbal medicine consultation, a Reiki healing, or a flower essence consultation. The winner will be announced next month by email, so keep an eye out in your inboxes!
